Even when everyone else around me is eating bad and not exercising and reassuring me that it’s okay to cheat….I still can’t get in. I have to find the willpower to recommit 100% and focus on my goal. Too often have I done well for a while and then slowly let myself slip back into the disaster zone. Not this time. Not this year. I refuse to let all of my hard work and all of the people who are proud of me down….even if I am in it alone.
It’s frustrating to wake up in the morning and exercise or want to go to the gym and no one wants to go with me….or even go out to eat or to another event and have people all around me doing the wrong things. It’s the same people who said they would be there to partner with you, to be your exercise and calorie counting buddy. But, while I sometimes feel alone…I have to remember it my life…my health and no one is going to care about it as much as I do. So, without any further hesitation….I’m getting my lazy behind up….getting to work….tracking my calories again and finishing what I started!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not a weak person and I will not allow gluttony and laziness to defeat me!!!!!!! Pray for me guys!!!!!!!!!!
GET BACK ON TRACK>>>>NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
82 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!