My Weight Loss Progress


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

One step up...three steps back!!!

As I sit here writing this I think…people are going to hate my blog…it always starts with a pessimistic snide remark about woe is me!!! But, despite the fact I’m usually on here venting after a horrible defeat of the week, I do really want to make permanent life changes. I guess I’m the girl who is stuck between a rock and hard place.

I’m working on myself spiritually …pouring myself into every Bible study I can find. I have a true thirst to become not just an associate of Christ but, a true disciple. But, I won’t go into too much detail because this is not a religious blog but my weight loss story. However, my spiritual development is intertwined with my desire to loss weight. With an already ridiculously packed schedule, I find myself picking between the gym and Bible study. 9 times out of 10, Bible study wins and I’m stuck feeling guilty about my laziness for the rest of the night.

However, I could be using Bible study as an excuse to not go to the gym…so I’m confusing myself. In a world where you have a million options on ways to spend your day…its tough to make health a priority. If truth be told…I have more than enough time if I quit polluting my mind with reality t.v…. a move that will help me both spiritually and physically.

Long story short….I woke up…motivated…eager…ready…..put on my gym clothes….grabbed my water bottle….went back and grabbed my earphones and cell phone….ran out the house, smiling, ready for my workout…door slams….and I realize….I have left my KEYS in the house and I am locked out!!!! So…. after waiting for someone to rescue me …my motivation died and I was left at home feeling defeated once again!!!

So, was that divine intervention telling me I’m perfect the way I am or the enemy trying to deter my plans????

Who knows??? I’ll try again tomorrow!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Semester is over (Thank God)!!! So, I officially have no excuse for not getting back on track.... I have countless days of leisure and I'm prepared to make the most of it!!! So, my goals for May are as follows:

1)      Blog at least three times a week…I think I can make time to get on here and blog and read other blogs to hold myself accountable. Plus, I watch too much reality t.v... anyways!!!

2)      WATER and WATER only!!! Tough one but, I’ve managed to accomplish this before and would like to challenge myself to it again!!!

3)      Make healthy choices instead of unhealthy choices. I don’t feel like writing down what I’m eating. I never stick to it and I just want to change my thought process on choosing foods.

4)      Exercise a minimum of three times a week. At one point I was a gym junkie but, I just haven’t been able to get back into the swing of things.

5)      Be happy with me…. regardless of my size…. I need to LOVE me for me!!! ****THE MOST IMPORTANT GOAL IN MY OPINION****

Overall, I think these are reasonable goals….I’m kind of second guessing the whole not writing down what I eat thing because I think I may give myself the illusion I’m eating better than I really am…so I may change that!!! So, see ya in the next day or tw!!!!